Kongsberg Maritime Bathymetry Image Contest

Kongsberg Maritime Bathymetry Image Contest

Earlier this year, Kongsberg Maritime announced a photography contest to find the best bathymetric picture taken using a KONGSBERG Subsea product. Many high-quality images from Kongsberg users around the world have been submitted. The winning image was created by Marc Roche and Koen Degrendele using the KONGSBERG EM3002D multibeam echosounder.

The high-resolution image reveals the dunes pattern on the central part of the Buiten Ratel and the extreme abundance of erosive grooves (~2m wide and ~0.3m deep) caused by the pipes of the trailing suction hopper dredger vessels. In this area, the extreme density of dredging operations induces a rapid erosion of the dunes and generates this characterstic scratched seabed morphology.

Image courtesy: Marc Roche and Koen Degrendele, Belgium.

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