Kongsberg Maritime Facilitates Training With 'Portable Classrooms'

Kongsberg Maritime Facilitates Training With 'Portable Classrooms'

Kongsberg Maritime has developed 'Portable Classrooms' to be used at customer sites, Kongsberg Maritime Sites and onboard vessels. The 'Training Box' is at the core of the Portable Classroom concept. This easy to transport box is equipped with a single remote control system (RCU) and the most common remote input/output (RIO) modules, which are
interchangeable, depending on the type of equipment installed in the vessel to be trained for. Additionally, ten fully loaded laptop PCs are included, to act as operator stations during training. The box offers access to all the technical equipment and software required to arrange hands-on training for our customers worldwide, according to Ingar Tveiten, one of the course instructors. The first outing for the Portable Classroom was a one-week operator and technical training course in Integrated Automation Systems (IAS) for MaranGas in Athens, Greece. Some of the comments received from participants included: "It was great to train on the same kind of equipment as used onboard," and: "We weren't expecting to be able to practice on our own operator stations."


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