New Chesapeake Technology Bathy Processor Engine

New Chesapeake Technology Bathy Processor Engine

Chesapeake Technology (CTI, USA) has released its new processor engine specifically designed for high-volume interferometric sidescan sonar and shallow-water multibeam data. CTI has also enhanced import options for sidescan sonar and magnetometer data and made more than 30 customer- and manufacturer-driven enhancements throughout the product.

The new bathymetric processing engine has been designed to minimise the manual labour required to process and visualise high-volume shallow water sounding data. Vessel configuration is made easier with new default configurations for all supported sensors, and enhanced visuals to verify sensor placement. Customisable data processing profiles automate the application of auxiliary data, setup data filters, and control down-sampling, to minimise tedious busywork. The patch test calibration tool and all of data editors have been refreshed with updated interfaces, which include better 2D and 3D displays, and standardised keyboard and mouse controls. Finally, CTI has increased the number of supported grid and raster formats, to make it easier to integrate SonarWiz into an existing GIS environment.

Sidescan sonar processing has received a large number of under-the-hood enhancements. Small file import, including files with less than 300 pings, has been improved by auto-sizing the time constant. Support was added for contact deletion, increasing the flexibility for managing contacts. Enhancements have also been made for processing magnetometer data including the ability to import full along-track data without down-sampling.

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