New Kongsberg Maritime Simulators and Upgrades to Iceland

New Kongsberg Maritime Simulators and Upgrades to Iceland

Kongsberg Maritime has won the contract to supply simulators and upgrades to the three maritime colleges in Iceland; Styrimannaskolinn i Reykjavik, Vélskoli Íslands and Verkmenntaskolinn a Akureyi. Although Kongsberg Maritime simulators are already in use at all three colleges, the contract was won against tough competition confirming the company’s high standing in the maritime training sector. Kongsberg Maritime’s DNV Type Approved and STCW’ 95 compliant engine and bridge simulators are included in the contract.
The Vélskoli Íslands college in Reykjavik is operated by enntafelagið,
but owned by the state whilst Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri is owned and operated by the state. Both will replace their existing Kongsberg Maritime engine room simulators (ERS) with the latest generation of full mission engine room simulators.
Under the same agreement as the engine room simulators Kongsberg Maritime will also upgrade an existing full mission bridge simulator based at Stýrimannaskólinn í Reykjavík, which is also operated by Menntafelagið and owned by the state. The upgrade will be to the latest DNV Class B for ships bridge simulation.

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