Normand Oceanic WROVs Successfully Integrate SeeByte’s CoPilot

Normand Oceanic WROVs Successfully Integrate SeeByte’s CoPilot

Subsea 7 has successfully integrated SeeByte’s CoPilot with the work-class ROVs on board the Normand Oceanic. The vessel is equipped with two of the latest versions of its work-class Hercules ROV, which are deployed through the vessel’s own moonpool and capable to 3,000m below sea level.

Subsea 7’s team on board the Normand Oceanic were able to successfully integrate CoPilot with their Hercules 15 and Hercules 30 ROVs. Feedback has been positive from the ROVs’ pilots, particularly with regards to the user interface which summarises all the data from the vehicle and its sensors onto one screen.

According to Andrew Foster, ROV Fleet and Project Support manager at Subsea 7, SeeByte’s CoPilot system provides the Hercules ROV pilots with a stable platform to offset the effects of poor visibility and current, allowing them to fully focus on the task at hand. The system flexibility allowed the company to swiftly install it as and when specific client requirements determine. In this latest installation to the Normand Oceanic, the team have also proven their competence in addressing and resolving any issues that have arisen on the vessel remotely.

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