NovAtel Launches SPAN Technology

NovAtel Launches SPAN Technology

NovAtel Inc. launched its SPAN Technology (Synchronised Position, Attitude, & Navigation). This leading edge technology combines GPS with an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) to deliver precise position, velocity, time, and attitude data, all at 100 Hz, in challenging environments where GPS satellites can become obstructed.
One of the key benefits of SPAN technology is flexibility. NovAtel offers a choice of receivers and IMUs to allow integrators to select the navigation components that meet their application needs. Three NovAtel GPS receivers offer IMU support: the ProPak-G2plus which features USB and high-speed serial ports and a rugged, protective enclosure; the DL-4plus which includes integrated memory for data logging along with an LCD interface and keypad for on-the-fly configuration; and the ProPak-Lbplus which features support for OmniSTAR’s HP (High Precision) satellite technology.

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