OI China Brought Maritime Science to Shanghai

OI China Brought Maritime Science to Shanghai

The 4th Oceanology International China (OI China) was held at the Shanghai International Sourcing Promotion Center on 9-11 November 2016. Developed in conjunction with government and industry organisations, the event gave domestic and international suppliers the opportunity to capitalise on China’s developing offshore energy and marine industries. This exhibition was sponsored by Reed Exhibitions and co-organised by the Ocean Observation Technology Branch of the China Society for Oceanography, supported from the China Society for Oceanography, China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association and the National Ocean Technology Center.

The OI China 2016 Global Ocean Science and Technology Summit and the OI China 2016 Conference Forum did run in conjunction with the event, during which 36 guest speakers from more than 10 countries and regions participated. This summit forum focused on several hot topics in the marine field and revolved around two major themes: marine monitoring and underwater vehicle technology. Providing marine science and marine technology solutions, the forum assisted attendees better understand the latest international and local programmes and technologies for monitoring, maintaining and operating sustainably in the world’s oceans.

Meanwhile, OI China 2016 Conference was divided in several themes, including a sessions on underwater positioning and navigation, hydrographic survey and geophysics, Ocean Observing Systems and Instrumentation (Organised by the Ocean Observation Technology Branch of the Chinese Society for Oceanography), and Exploration, Development & Environment Protection.

One-on-one Commercial Meetings

The Blue Whale Club brought back its commercial meeting plan this year connecting companies, entering the Chinese market, with local buyers and agents who are interested in specific marine products and services. This structured networking programme was implemented in the form of one-for-one meetings and group presentations. The group presentation will discuss several topics, including acoustics, sensors, underwater robotics, marine engineering, navigation, positioning and metrology, beacons and buoys.

A highlight for the event was the awards ceremony for products which are recognised was the ‘OI China 2016 Innovative New Product of the Year’. The OI China 2016 Innovative New Product of the Year competition aimed to publicise the top new products being exhibited on the OI China exhibition floor.38 new products in total will be shown during the event, amongst which 23 products that have only been on the market since February 2016.


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