Optical Modem for Subsea Communication

Optical Modem for Subsea Communication

Aquatec Group has launched the AQUAmodem Op1L, a lightweight version of their optical modem designed for use by divers and on small ROVs. Using established technology, the optical modem allows short range interrogation, commanding and data download from underwater equipment. The instrument is three times lighter than the original optical modem, making it suited for applications in oceanographic, environmental and coastal research, as well as offshore energy industries.

The AQUAmodem Op1L is compatible with any instrument with an RS232 serial interface, including Aquatec’s AQUAlogger and HYDROlog ranges, and can replace costly ROV mateable connectors or cables, resulting in economical operations and greater flexibility. The latest version is also interchangeable with Aquatec’s original optical modem, and can reduce expenditure costs when combined with existing systems.

There is a growing demand for smaller ROVs for shallow water applications, which can be easily deployed from a small boat or dockside. The compact, lightweight design makes the AQUAmodem Op1L ideal for deployment on these ROVs to depths of 500m.


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