Pre-cut Trenching Workscope with Zero Plough Downtime

Pre-cut Trenching Workscope with Zero Plough Downtime

DeepOcean, UK, has completed a recent pre-cut trenching contract with Statnett & DeepOcean provided the engineering and project management for the project in Denmark, including pre-trench survey and pre-cut trenching of 23 kilometres of the Skagerrak 4 route. The project on Skagerrak 4 HVDC Submarine Interconnector project was completed on time, on budget and with a successful HSE record.

Using the sophisticated APP pre-cut trenching plough, DeepOcean executed the project with zero plough downtime.

As an independent contractor with pre-cut ploughing capability, DeepOcean offers a number of ploughs for this solution and has a proven track record in the operation of these. Its specialist ploughs offer a high level of control and precision, capable of navigating along pre-determined cable routes and transitioning in and out of the seabed as required. These solutions eliminate any risk of product damage and provide a high quality trench for the protection of HVAC and HVDC submarine cables.

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