Production Standard Galileo-ready Receiver & Antenna

Production Standard Galileo-ready Receiver & Antenna

NovAtel Inc. has released its first production standard Galileo-ready receiver and antenna. NovAtel's new L1L5E5a receiver offers superior 16 channel tracking of GPS L1/L5, Galileo L1/E5a and SBAS signals in a Euro form-factor card, packaged in a EuroPak enclosure. The complementary 704X passive antenna offers access to multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) including GPS, Galileo and GLONASS frequencies.
L1L5E5a receiver is available only to customers authorized by the European Space Agency (ESA), due to an intense test campaign that ESA is conducting with GIOVE-A, the first Galileo test satellite launched 28 December 28, 2005. The EuroPak-L1L5E5a receiver is ideally suited for customers, such as government agencies and universities, who want early access to the new GPS GEO L1 and L5 satellite signals and Galileo L1 and E5a signals for research purposes.

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