QPS Unveils Qimera Bathymetry Processing Platform

QPS Unveils Qimera Bathymetry Processing Platform

During Hydro14, which was held from 28-30 October 2014 in Aberdeen, UK, QPS announced a new processing product called Qimera to be released in 2015. The announcement was made at a packed QPS workshop, which had been promoted as the first public unveiling of the product. There was an audible gasp as the features were presented.

Qimera brings the best features for bathymetric processing from QPS other flagship products, QINSy and Fledermaus, and harnesses the very latest technological innovations to create an extremely easy to use, fast, but immensely powerful bathymetric processing platform. QPS Qimera currently is entering the beta test phase with key users and will be released in 2015.

Image: Qimera example screen capture.

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