Sim Systems for Chinese University

Sim Systems for Chinese University

Transas China is providing three sets of TGS 4100 GMDSS simulators for Dalian Maritime University (DMU) to enhance training capacity and ensure its quality. TGS 4100 GMDSS simulator sets comprise three instructor stations and forty-eight trainee stations: one instructor station plus sixteen trainee stations per set. Other recent developments in China include a contract to supply Navi-Trainer Professional 4000 and TGS 4100 simulators to Chongqing Jiaotong University. The NTPRO 4000 simulator is set consists of one instructor station and three bridges, each bridge comprising Navi-Conning, ECDIS and radar stations. The TGS 4100 simulator consists of one instructor plus four trainee-networked stations and 16 Tutor SW. In mid-August Transas China secured anothe contract to supply TGS 4100 networked stations (one instructor plus six trainee-networked station configuration) and 14 TGS 4100 Tutor SW. The customer is Yantai Mariners School, situated in North China. The training system is the first of its kind Yantai Mariners School has ever imported. With the advanced system the School hopes to expand its training spectrum from AB sailors to navigation officers.

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