Software for Mosaicking, Positioning and Full-colour 3D Point Clouds

Software for Mosaicking, Positioning and Full-colour 3D Point Clouds

Cathx Ocean, a supplier of subsea machine vision systems, is presenting SOLID, a range of software tools that deliver local positioning, mosaic capabilities and real-time full-colour 3D point clouds at Ocean Business in Southampton, UK, from 4 April 2017.

Cathx Ocean has delivered over 30 laser and imaging systems on commercial AUVs and ROVs last year. These systems provide real-time laser point cloud with sub-millimetre resolution and co-registered UHD or HD images. They are available in flexible configurations for small and work-class ROVs and AUVs including 6,500m-rated systems, and are fully integrated with Navimodel and QINSy to provide real-time data visualisation alongside multibeam. 

Building on this success, The SOLID Color Point Cloud technology has been field proven with current Cathx Ocean customers. This new capability is based on extraction of position from images to allow 3D color point cloud generation even where vehicle speeds up to 5 knots are used. This allows traditional ROV operations to be conducted in a fraction of the time traditionally taken. 

To find out more, visit stand M12 at Ocean business where they’re sharing the results of recent work. 


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