Software For Side Scan Sonars

Software For Side Scan Sonars

New software for Fishers side scan sonars make these powerful underwater search systems even more effective and easier to use. The new mapping software shows the size of the area being scanned and overlays it onto a grid with latitude and longitude lines as the x and y axis.  

The map appears in an adjustable size window that is overlaid onto the full screen view of the sonar bottom scan. As the boat moves back and forth across the search grid, similar to moving a lawn, the sonar operator can see how much of the bottom on both sides of the boat is being scanned with each pass. The scanned area is highlighted in yellow and overlapping scans are highlighted in green. This ensures that no part of the search area is missed.


Other features of the new software include annotations and navigational markers. Three types of markers can be displayed on the map; user defined waypoints, text annotations made on the sonar file, and general purpose markers. Placing markers in the map window helps in planning and performing search and survey operations. The new software produces files in industry-standard xtf format which allows them to interface with other software packages.


The mapping software is an add-on feature to SONAR VIEW, the operating system for all of Fishers PC based side scan systems. SONAR VIEW gives the sonar operator tremendous flexibility in setting up the side scan's operating parameters. The user can select from 12 different range settings and eight different color schemes to view the sonar data as it is displayed real time on a laptop computer. Sonar data can be saved to disk or hard drive and replayed at any time. There are a variety of image enhancement tools such as zoom, and varying the color and intensity of images. These allow the operator to manipulate data during playback. Small file sections and screen shots can be copied for emailing. A sizing tool can be used to show the size and height of any target.

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