Solstice Sidescan Sonar Demonstrated with Bluefin-12 AUV

Solstice Sidescan Sonar Demonstrated with Bluefin-12 AUV

Following the integration of Sonardyne International's Solstice sidescan sonar with a Bluefin Robotics Bluefin-12 AUV, the results of recent payload testing have produced higher-quality imagery. The most recent trials of the Bluefin-12 AUV with integrated Solstice were conducted from Bluefin Robotics’ headquarters in Quincy, Massachusetts, USA, where the AUV was deployed from Bluefin’s vessel, the R/V Resolution, to perform short missions around the Boston Harbour area in approximately 15 metres of water.

Each mission consisted of legs of 500 metres, during which the AUV flew in a pattern commonly known as ‘mowing the lawn.’ This is where the vehicle makes a pass over one area and then comes right back alongside it, running in parallel lines that will overlap and cover the entire bottom to form an image of the sea floor.

A pipeline end manifold (PLEM) surveyed during the trial provided a target to show the resolution and contrast performance of Solstice (see image). This PLEM consists of a large square template, pipe and mattress protectors; visible is where the individual elements of the mattress are clearly resolved in the imagery. 

Image: pipeline end manifold survey with the elements of the protective mattress visible.

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