Surface Drones on Scientific Mission

Surface Drones on Scientific Mission

The ASV C-Enduro is today embarking on a robotics mission along with six other unmanned marine vessels off the southwest of England. Selected to take part by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), C-Enduro is fitted with a range of meteorological and oceanographic sensors to capture scientific data about ocean processes and marine life. The aim is for the vehicles to travel up to 300 miles over the next 20 days.

The project, coordinated by NOC, is the most ambitious of its kind in Europe. Communication with C-Enduro will take place over satellite and will be conducted from a control station at ASV's facility in Portchester.

The exercise brings together a wide range of partners including scientists and engineers from research institutes and universities, commercials organisations, government agencies, as well as the MET Office and the Royal Navy.

This vehicle is one of three C-Enduro vehicles designed and built by ASV in the past year. The concept was born out of an SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) initiated by NOC's requirement for a long endurance USV for environmental research. Designed to be at sea for up to 90 days, C-Enduro is powered by a combination of wind power, solar power and a lightweight diesel generator.

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