Survey Information in Google Earth Format

Survey Information in Google Earth Format

The Hydrography Unit of the MCA's Navigation Safety branch have released a selection of files for download to the general public which provide information regarding some of the MCA's bathymetric multibeam surveys. All seabed data that the MCA gathers is used to keep UK nautical charts and publications up-to-date to support safety of navigation in UK waters. However, the data can be used for many other purposes and MCA is hoping that, by publishing the data on the MCA web site in a special layer, viewable in "Google Earth", MCA will encourage other government and non-government organisations to share seabed data with us, thereby saving costs for everybody. In addition, MCA also is pleased to show the public where their money is being spent and hope to receive suggestions regarding new areas that should be considered for surveying so as to further improve safety for the mariner. The files can be viewed by downloading free Google Earth and show extensive information about the areas the MCA has surveyed in recent years. Each file includes an image of the surveyed seabed. Download files from the continually expanding database at the Hydrography website. The files are not to be used for navigation.


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