Survey Operations Completed on Holyhead Deep Green

Survey Operations Completed on Holyhead Deep Green

Seabed survey company Bibby HydroMap, UK, has completed survey operations on the EUR30 million Deep Green tidal current marine energy project based off Holyhead for consultant Xodus Group on behalf of developer Minesto AB. The objective of the survey was to provide a detailed understanding of the seabed levels, characteristics and shallow geology throughout the proposed development area and associated export cable route corridor, as well as to conduct an environmental baseline study.

Bathymetric, sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler data was acquired alongside benthic grab samples and drop down camera stills on board Bibby HydroMap’s 26 metre survey vessel Chartwell (image).

With a focus on efficiency and cost reduction, the Deep Green project, which is supported by EU funds of EUR13 million through the Welsh Government, is designed to maximise electricity generation from low velocity tidal currents. The kite-influenced design enables the device to move through the water column ten times faster than the current, which leads to 1,000 times more power as a result of the cubic relationship between speed and power.

Following the success of the first 0.5MW installation, the aim is to deploy a 10MW Deep Green array in Holyhead Deep which will supply electricity to the equivalent of 8,000 households.

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