Transas Data to Be Supplied by Chartworld to SevenCs OEMs

Transas Data to Be Supplied by Chartworld to SevenCs OEMs

Transas and SevenCs are announcing that they have signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement is based on the implementation of the Transas chart toolkit into the SevenCs EC2007 ECDIS Kernel Software.
So SevenCs Kernel user will have full access to the complete Transas World database in TX 97 format in addition to the other already embedded data formats. The chart distribution will be carried out by ChartWorld, a SevenCs owned company, and by all Transas companies worldwide.
In accordance with the agreement ChartWorld will distribute the TX97 Data to the SevenCs OEM partners, and their customers. Charts and permits can fully obtained online.
In parallel the Transas sales organization will be able to distribute TX97 Data to all customers using the SevenCs EC2007 ECDIS Kernel Software. This partnership offers SevenCs EC2007 ECDIS Kernel OEM partners the opportunity to use Transas TX97 Vector Charts in their ECS, ECDIS, and other moving map display technologies.

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