Tritech Gemini Plus Ashtead Technology

Tritech Gemini Plus Ashtead Technology

Ashtead Technology Offshore (USA) has added both the Tritech Gemini 720i and 720id Real-time Multibeam Imaging Sonar to the rental fleet of sonar equipment in the Gulf of Mexico. The Tritech Gemini systems are available in the Gulf of Mexico, Canada, as well as South and Central America.



Both the swallow-water Tritech Gemini 720i and deep-water 720id real-time imaging sonar are in the region for immediate hire.


Considered one of the more advanced real-time imaging sonar in the industry, the 720i, swallow water unit has been on a long-term hire in the Gulf of Mexico for inspection activities with SURF Subsea onboard the SURF Challenger with other SURF contractors looking at the technology for their 2011 inspection campaigns.


David Rokohl, Project Manager for SURF Subsea states, “The Tritech 720i real time imaging sonar has allowed us to provide our clients with imagery and clarity in waters that afford little to no visibility. The user interface allows a vast range of options that allow the operator to fine tune based on working conditions in the field. Integration is fluid and its small, compact size creates a variety of mounting options in parallel to other equipment installed. Overall SURF’S experience with the Tritech Gemini 720i has been well received.”



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