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The role of satellite-based mapping in hydrography

By harnessing capabilities of advanced satellite technology and ever-evolving data analysis, satellite-based mapping (including satellite-derived bathymetry, SDB) offers an efficient, extensible and cost-effective method for mapping water properties, underwater topography...

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Mapping through fluid mud

The presence of suspended sediments in water bodies presents significant challenges for the dredging industry. Existing methods to determine nautical depths are intrusive single point methods relying on in situ density or shear strength measurements1,3 or low-frequency single-beam echosounder recordings1,2. The use of single-beam echosounders is however systemically problematic as they are not practical in satisfying the CATZOC A1 coverages required for contemporary electronic navigational charting. The presence of suspended sediments in water bodies presents significant challenges for the dredging industry. Existing methods to determine nautical depths are intrusive single point methods relying on in situ...

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Lidar in surveying & mapping

Lidar, short for Light Detection and Ranging surveying, represents a sophisticated measuring system leveraging the power of light. Widely recognized for its versatility, Lidar is extensively applied in diverse fields...

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