Hydrographic Society Benelux

Hydrographic Society Benelux

Educational Fund

In recent years The Hydrographic Society, being a charity, has operated an Educational Fund in two ways. A central fund was governed by Council and individual branches used their fund to support local or regional activities. With the organisational change, the central Educational Fund will be divided amongst the four branches already operating their own fund. Before this happens however, there will be one more grant based on the Educational Fund Award Scheme.
The new educational fund of the HSB is part of its central policy and responsibility. The main objective of the fund is as an aid in acquiring knowledge and experience in hydrography by supporting research, visits to (international) symposia, work-shops and seminars. Also, students with special needs with regard to their study programme may call for financial assistance. A committee of three HSB members operates the fund. The committee's effectivity and efficiency will be discussed with members during the annual general meeting. The norms and conditions used will be evaluated and restated when required. Such redefinition will be governed by majority voting as set out in the HSB articles of association.
The former central Educational Fund of THS has accumulated a modest amount of capital, currently about £24,000 sterling. Interest received from this capital was used to assist needy hydrographers. Where donations were targeted for a specific project, the donation was spent in total rather than being added to capital. As the Fund's size did not accrue a great amount of interest, it could not cover the whole cost of many needs, e.g. full support of tuition, room and board. However, the Fund did provide valuable assistance to more than thirty individuals and about twenty organisations or projects since its founding in 1987. In addition to funding individual attendance at institutions, the Fund was used for an instructor of the University of Plymouth to travel to Ghana and teach classes in hydrography - one way of reaching a greater number of students.
The Educational Fund Award Scheme has been running for three years. Annually an award of at most GBP 6,000 is granted to the individual showing the strongest motivation to become a professional in the field of hydrography. An international committee judges the applications and appoints the winner. The April 2002 issue of The Hydrographic Journal provides more details with regard to two of the winners in recent years, Brad Scarfe from New Zealand and French Thierry Schmitt. The closing date for this year's final annual award was set at 1 July. The committee currently reviews the applications received.

Harbour approach
13 September 2002

Offshore and construction
15 November 2002
The Netherlands

T.H. Heringa
RWS-Directie Noord-Holland
Postbus 175
1970 AD IJmuiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 255 545 622
Fax: +31 255 545 645

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