B&G Wireless Remote Vision

B&G Wireless Remote Vision

Brookes & Gatehouse (B&G) have launched their wireless B&G Remote Vision.
RemoteVision is smaller than a palm PC and features a full LCD graphical screen and simple 4-button control. It utilises wireless technology to instantly send and receive signals from B&G's h2000 Hercules and Hydra pilots and instruments. All readings from the instruments can be viewed on the RemoteVision anywhere on a vessel.
In addition to receiving all possible data, RemoteVision can be used to change parameters and data viewed on the instruments at the helm and other positions. This approach allows experienced skippers to be sure that crew are getting the most important information, even when not on deck or close to the instruments.
The RemoteVision is complimented by having an integral 20 degree gimballed fluxgate compass to give you instant, accurate bearings on any point.
This wireless approach offers many advantages in safety, in addition to performance. One of the most outstanding safety features is the alarm answer mode. If the Hercules or Hydra system senses that the vessel is heading off course, for instance at night whilst the crew are below decks, or in rough conditions, the controller can be used to answer alarms and set pilot parameters without having to actually be at the instruments.

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