Chelsea Technologies at OI China

Chelsea Technologies at OI China

On show at the first OI China, taking place this week in Shanghai, is the Lux family of miniature digital fluorometers and the high-performance FastOcean Fast Repetition Rate fluorometer systems of Chelsea Technologies (UK) together with the range of in-situ sensors optimised for monitoring crude and refined oil.

The company celebrates 50 years in the design and manufacture of a range of innovative multi-parameter sensors and systems for the monitoring of the physical, optical and biological oceanographic environments, according to marketing director Richard Burt. Customers have been using the sensors and systems in a wide range of applications. Submariners are using them to understand the environment they pass through, water authorities are using them to test water supplies to guard against chemical attack by terrorists. Scientists are using the sensors to monitor oceanic algae to tackle climate change and shipping companies have installed state of the art in-line sensors to monitor their exhaust gas cleaning systems and ballast water in order to prevent contamination of seas. Oil companies are also using the sophisticated fluorometers to detect subsea pipeline leaks and monitor oil spills.

Image: Chelsea's Richard Burt (left) and Dr Brian Phillips (right) shown holding the UV AquaTracka (left) and the FastOcean (right) fluorometers.

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