Entry-level Multibeam Echosounder WASSP S3

Entry-level Multibeam Echosounder WASSP S3

The WASSP S3 multibeam echosounder is purpose built for the survey and mapping market and is shipped with WASSP software for 2D/3D mapping and Polar view. The S3 will be officially launched on stand S121 at the Oceanology International exhibition in London from 15 March 2016 and shipping will commence at the same time.

The WASSP S3 features new DRX digital/wideband hardware platform, touch screen compatible software, a flexible transducer cable for portability, making it easier to install in a pelican case. Users benefit of simplified installation and commissioning. There are turnkey packages available which include position/heading and motion sensors.

The DRX uses wideband technology and is rated to IP53 running on 9-32 volts, making it ideal for the harsh marine environment which many WASSP customers operate in.

The S3 package includes WASSP software, transducer and DRX which handles the signal processing and sensor interface and can be licensed to interface with third party software suites including HYPACK with others to follow.


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