Environmental Data Display Software

Environmental Data Display Software

AXYS Technologies has upgraded their interactive web application used to display environmental data. SmartWeb, previously WebView, is intuitive software used by clients to view their data anytime and anywhere. Views of both current and historical data can be readily displayed and can be imported into Windows spreadsheets and databases for further analysis.

This software upgrade includes features that now allow clients to look at multiple DMS databases for station data to display and graph; view and graph multiple data messages from numerous stations independently and customise the look and feel of the web application to match company colours, logos, etc.

SmartWeb also includes a full Web Service that enables using other applications or web pages connected to the Windows Communication Foundation to create graphs and manage users, stations and the entire application.

SmartWeb is part of the Data Management System (DMS) Suite for every WatchMan500 system AXYS sells. AXYS will continue to support existing clients using WebView, however eventually WebView will be completely phased out.

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