GIS in Mapping Ocean Floor

GIS in Mapping Ocean Floor

Ocean Globe from ESRI Press examines bathymetry from its early history through today's use of geographic information systems (GIS) and other technologies to map the ocean floor. With contributions from oceanographers, explorers, and historians, this new book is a valuable resource for those interested in coastal management, seafloor mapping, and marine biology.

The anthology addresses how recent developments in bathymetry and seafloor mapping are applied to animal migrations, coral reef growth, tsunami forecasts, coastal ecosystems, aquatic farming, whale habitats, and more. In addition, the book includes a special appendix on the history of seafloor mapping-from early line-and-sinker methods to multibeam sounding.

The book also explains how advances in technology and mapping in a server-based GIS environment enable the improved collaboration and sharing of methods and data. In her foreword, oceanographer Dawn J. Wright notes that Ocean Globe will help reveal the ocean depths within the new paradigm of server-based GIS, "where we not only show maps and visualizations, but more importantly the actual data and methods used to create those maps."

Ocean Globe (ISBN: 9781589482197, 294 pages, USD64.95) is available at online retailers worldwide.

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