Hydro4 Call for Papers

Hydro4 Call for Papers

The Hydrographic Society, presently devolving into the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IHFS), is to hold its 14th biennial international symposium in Galway, Ireland, from 2nd-4th November 2004. The proceedings, which will also include a major exhibition of equipment and services, workshops, field demonstrations and anticipated visits by specialist survey vessels, are being co-sponsored by several leading international survey and maritime organisations. The main theme of the Hydro4 symposium is Diversity, with the aim of providing a forum for addressing the use of hydrographic expertise for non-traditional survey applications in new seagoing operations, whilst conversely exploring potential benefits for exploiting non-traditional survey techniques within the hydrographic profession itself. Related technical issues and topics will include Bathymetry, Coastal Zone Management & Protection, Data Acquisition & Management, Electronic Charting, GIS and Positioning. Three-hundred-word English-language abstracts of proposed papers in disk or email, Word 2000 format, are required by 31st March 2004. They should be submitted to the Symposium organising committee (tel: +44 (0) 1752 843461, fax: +44 (0) 1752 848267).

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