NASDrill RS925 Positioning for Ultra-deepwater Drillships

NASDrill RS925 Positioning for Ultra-deepwater Drillships

UK-based Nautronix has been awarded a contract to supply NASDrill RS925 deepwater acoustic positioning system for Rowan’s new ultra-deepwater drillships. Nautronix’s NASDrill RS925 system has been designed specifically to meet the requirements for a reliable, stable DP and position reference system for demanding offshore operations, in particular deepwater drilling vessels.

NASDrill RS925 combines the two most accurate deepwater acoustic positioning technologies – Short Baseline (SBL) and Long Baseline (LBL) – to calculate multiple independent position solutions providing reliable, repeatable input to the vessel DP system; with SBL mode providing accuracies of 0.15% slant range and LBL mode providing accuracies up to 1m RMS independent of water depth.

The vessels will be constructed at Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Ulsan, Korea and are based on a Hyundai Gusto P1000 design. The first vessel will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2013, with the second one estimated to be completed in 2014.

Nautronix received orders for their NASDrill RS925 systems through a well known Norwegian DP Supplier who will supply their Dynamic Positioning (DP) System for these vessels.

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