Oceaneering International Orders Six Deep-water DVLs

Oceaneering International Orders Six Deep-water DVLs

Rowe Technologies (USA) has received an order for six SeaPilot DVLs from Oceaneering International (USA). Rowe Technologies has also developed a 4,500-metre rated titanium SeaPilot DVL for deep-water deployments. The SeaPilot DVL provides a slightly smaller footprint when compared to other products in the market and also provides the industry's newest electronics platform.

A leak detection sensor is integrated into the SeaPilot DVL .The leak sensor will provide ROV pilots with real time information on the status of the structural integrity of the DVL and will allow pilots the opportunity to shut down the DVL if the structural integrity is compromised - this feature reduces the likelihood of expensive repairs and replacements. RTI’s standard DVL package provides end users with a completely capable DVL; there is no need for firmware upgrade. Lastly, Rowe Technologies has developed software that is easy to use and programme the DVL.

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