Hydrographic Society Benelux
The fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB) took place on 17th February in the Exhibition Centre Neeltje Jans, followed by a workshop entitled ‘Special Projects’. The report of the workshop will be published in the May issue of Hydro International. Both presentations and the minutes can be downloaded at www.hydrographicsociety.nl.
The AGM was attended by 39 members 25 of whom corporate members.
Rob Luijnenburg welcomed attendees and set the agenda. The Minutes of Meeting of the AGM 2005, as published in Hydro International (April issue), were accepted without amendments. The annual report of the chairman and secretary was presented and accepted by the AGM.
In 2005 the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS) was reorganised into two divisions, General Division and Business Division. HSB members chose to become a member of the General Division. Also during 2005 an interest-bearing advance was granted to the IFHS to cover running expenditure for operations.
Rob Luijnenburg presented the annual report of the treasurer in the absence of Rob van Ree due to illness. The AGM accepted the budget and the proposal for contribution for 2006. The financial auditing committee, Sjoerd van den Brom and Peter Boon reviewed the accounts and found all in order; the meeting agreed to discharge the treasurer for the year 2005. The members of the financial auditing committee for 2004 will be Peter Boon and Bert Mulder.
Wim van Wieren presented a status report of Hydro’06. The Hydro organising committee consists of Wim van Wieren, Luc Boehme, Niels Kinneging, Rita Peys of the TI, and Peter Boon. There are also three activity committees: a scientific committee lead by Niels, a sponsor committee raised by Cor Don and lead by Rob Berlijn and a committee of recommendation: Prof. Dr Jacques Spaans, Floor de Haan (CHYD), Paul Hornsby, Dr Frank Mostaert and Prof. Dr Jean-Pierre Henriet. The HSB is providing a stand for IFHS/HSB activities. The organisation has received seventy abstracts, which will be revised before 6th March. Sponsors and exhibition space have been found. Wim concludes that everything is going according to the plan.
Ellen Stuifbergen presented changes made to the website. Downloads are the most popular item. The forum and the possibility to place any vacancies are seldom used and have therefore been deleted. In 2006 Corporate Members will have their logo posted with their company website. Communication with members via the site is realised. Interested people can join the HSB through the website, and an online registration-form for workshops is in place.
Prior to the meeting, three members of the board submitted their intention to step down: Jan van den Berg, Luc Boehme and Durk Haarsma. Prof. Dr Ir. Alain de Wulf and Ing. Mattijs de Lange were prepared to take over, and the meeting agreed. The HSB board now consists of Rob Luijnenburg (chairman), Rob van Ree (treasurer), Hessel Bakker (secretary), Niels Kinneging, Ellen Stuifbergen, Wim van Wieren, Alain de Wulf and Mattijs de Lange.
After an animated round of questions the chairman thanked all attendees and invited everybody for a drink.
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