Hydrographic Society Denmark
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Take up the challenge use the opportunity and sent your member input on any subject to us by mail to [email protected], and your input will be in the coming issue.
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It is now free to get your logo on our Web page! Contact HSD.
All members
Admissions to HSD unchanged for 2003. Online at HSD home page (the front page). Remember only DKK 200 per year for individual members (equivalent to approx. e35 or US$23)
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Have you been updating your mail address recently?
Submit a mail to mail@hydro soc.dk with your home address and your mail address.
Coming workshops to be announced on our home page or directly by mail.
Hydrographic Society, Denmark
Att. Hugo Meister
Teglbaekvej 8-10
DK-8361 Hasselager-Aarhus
T: +45 8628 2011
F: +45 8628 2111
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
W: www.hydrosoc.dk

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