Hydrographic Society Russia

Hydrographic Society Russia

Graduation Ceremony at Admiral Makarov State University
On 28 February, a great number of people witnessed the graduation ceremony at the Admiral Makarov State University of Marine and River Fleet. The hydrographic engineer degrees were awarded to 42 graduates. Seven graduates, which is more than from any other department, obtained a degree with honours, of whom 5 were girls.

The best graduates received various presents.

The HSR Board decided to award the Belobrov Diplomas to Ivan Zudin and Sergey Skritsky. Diplomas were presented by the president of the HSR, Professor Nicolas Neronov.

The graduates were warmly congratulated by the chancellor Sergey Baryshnikov, the representatives of the Big Port of Saint Petersburg, Rosmorport, and Transas, the hosts
of the ceremony. Most graduates will now be employed as qualified specialists.

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