International Hydrographic Organization

International Hydrographic Organization

New members
The IHO is pleased to welcome Qatar as 79th Member State of the IHO.

XVIIth International Hydrographic Conference
Clearly the most important event in the life of the IHO since our last contribution to these pages was the seventeenth International Hydrographic Conference (IHC) held in Monaco from 5th to 11th May 2007. HSH Prince Albert II opened the conference. IHC reviews and decides upon proposals put forward by member states, the IHB (secretariat) and various IHO committees and working groups. As part of this process it approves a Work Programme and Budget for the next five-year period, in this case 2008 to 2012, and elects a Directing Committee to lead the organisation for the next five years. Admiral Maratos (Greece) and Captain Gorziglia (Chile) were re-elected for a second five-year term of office; directors may only serve two terms. Captain Robert Ward of Australia was elected as a new member of the Directing Committee. Admiral Barbor of the United States, current director, did not stand for re-election. The new team will take up their positions on 1st September 2007.

New Convention
At the third Extraordinary IHC held in 2005 member states approved a protocol of amendments to the IHO Convention, and this is now awaiting ratification by two thirds of member states. The twelfth IHC approved a resolution requesting member states to accelerate the procedures of ratification by their governments. Conference also approved general regulations, financial regulations and procedural rules for the Assembly, Council and Finance Committee of the organisation, all of which will come into force when the amended Convention has been ratified. Conference also approved a plan of implementation for transition from the current organisation.

New Committee Structure
The XVIIth IHC also adopted a revised committee structure for the IHO, aiming to ensure a more streamlined and co-ordinated system of decision making. There will be two main committees: the Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) and the Inter-Regional Co-ordination Committee (IRCC). The HSSC will replace the existing Committee on Hydrographic Requirements of Information Systems (CHRIS) and all other existing committees, sub-committees and working groups will become subsidiary bodies of these two main committees. The revised committee structure is not dependent on the ratification of the amended Convention and it was agreed that it would come into force no later than 1st January 2009.

Electronic Navigational Charts
A resolution was passed regarding ENC coverage which concludes, “Member States should adhere and comply with the WEND Prin-ciples in order for IHO, through its Member States, and the regional and worldwide bodies in which they come together, to achieve adequate coverage, availability, consistency and quality of ENCs by 2010”.

New Working Groups
The XVIIth IHC also established some important new working groups:
Hydrography and Cartography of Inland Waters: the Committee on Hydrographic Requirements of Information Systems (CHRIS), which in the new structure will become the HSSC, is invited to establish a working group to analyse and recommend the level and nature of IHO involvement in the hydrography and cartography of inland waters. The working group should involve all relevant non-IHO international bodies in its deliberations.

Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development: Conference invited CHRIS to establish a working group on hydrographic input to Nation-al Spatial Data Infrastructures.

IHO Strategic Plan Working Group (ISPWG) : established to review the existing IHO Strategic Plan in view of its new vision, mission and objectives and to present a revised draft Strategic Plan and any related recommendations to member states no later than 1rst January 2009.

Staff Regulations Working Group (SRWG): established to conduct a holistic review of the existing IHO Staff Regulations and report to member states by Circular Letter in 2009.

Two exhibitions were held in the conference auditorium, both very successful. All available space was taken. The Industry Exhibition included stands representing 31 companies providing all aspects of hydrographic and cartographic equipment. The Cartographic Exhib-ition provided an opportunity for member states to show off their latest products and services.

Fourth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference (EIHC)
Finally, Conference agreed on the need to hold an EIHC in 2009, and this has provisionally been arranged for the first week in June2009.
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