Tritech AquaTrak CVL for Asia-Pacific

Tritech AquaTrak CVL for Asia-Pacific

Sea and Land Technologies (SALT) has purchased the Tritech AquaTrak Correlation Velocity Log (CVL) to enhance its rental pool and will promote the new technology on SALT’s stand, D6, at the Australian Oil and Gas (AOG) exhibition, taking place from 24 to 26 February 2016 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia.

The AquaTrak CVL offers the benefits of a 300kHz and the accuracy of a 1,200kHz and is available with the same connector and flange interface as found on most 600kHz Doppler Velocity Logs (DVLs), therefore, it is a complete drop-in replacement for industry-standard DVLs. The single vertical beam permits installation of the AquaTrak CVL safely above the bottom of the ROV for protection to provide the same high level of performance, irrespective of altitude and with a range of 0.5m to 300m.

AquaTrak uses an acoustic cross-correlation technique to calculate the distance moved between two very closely spaced pulses which transmit from a single transmitter. This innovative technique enables AquaTrak to run effectively at low speeds, a common operation when performing subsea operations with a Work Class Remotely Operated Vehicle (wROV). 


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