World Hydrography Day 2017 for HSB: Looking behind the Dikes
Hydrography is important to visualise the water floor. This can be done in various ways, from using a sounding stick to a remotely controlled singlebeam echosounder or a survey vessel manned 24/7. On Tuesday 20 June 2017, the worlds of dredging and hydrography were united at the offices of Waternet in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, most importantly to learn from each other during the Hydrographic Society Benelux (HSB) workshop. World Hydrography Day was also celebrated during a social event at the RIC Rowing Club.
When do you apply which technique? How can you best map the depth and structure of the floor?
Paul Spaan (Platform Baggernet) opened the gathering and interviewed host Peter de Haan (Waternet / Waterschap Amstel, Gooi & Vecht) and chairman Leeke van der Poel (Hydrographic Society Benelux). This was followed by two presentations by Hans Hussem on various offshore and inshore survey techniques, which was expanded on by Marc van der Donck (Hydrographic Service of the Netherlands) who showed the impact and need for surveys in the Netherlands. Edwin ten Hennepe (Waternet) gave a presentation on ‘Laser altimetry looks promising for measuring bathymetry in ditches’, followed by a presentation by Elmert de Boer of Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland on ‘Sediment out of balance - sediment maintenance in the Netherlands’.
After the presentations, several survey vessels and a USV were moored alongside the Amstel River and participants were given the opportunity to gather information. World Hydrography Day was celebrated in the bar and on the sunny terrace outside.

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