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What is GNSS Spoofing?

With spoofing attacks on the rise, survey-grade GNSS receivers need to be protected by interference mitigation technology utilizing the latest security techniques to ensure reliable positioning. The survey and mapping...

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Egbert Ypma

Egbert Ypma studied Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at Delft University. After his military service in the Dutch Navy he worked for Heerema (working on simulations, DP systems), Imtech (Integrated...

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How to Simplify Survey Reporting

Wouldn’t it be great to work on a hydrographic project without spending a lot of time looking for all the elements needed for a professional report? This was what Sanyal Sunil had in mind when he developed SURge, a digital tool to simplify survey reporting. Wouldn’t it be great to work on a hydrographic project without spending a lot of time looking for all the elements needed for a professional report? This was what Sanyal...

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