As it Is

As it Is

by the Director of DIGADHICAR, Mexico

The Dirección General Adjunta de Hidrografía y Cartografía (DIGADHICAR) was established in 1960, when it began with the compilation and reproduction of charts based on publications from the USA Navy. A second reorganisation in 2001 brought two directorates (Dirección de Hidrografía and Dirección de Metereología Marítima: the directorate of hydrography and the directorate of maritime meteorology respectively) under the umbrella of the DIGADHICAR.

The main tasks of DIGADHICAR are:

  • To plan, evaluate, supervise and verify editions of naval carto-
    graphy and other publications (Notices to Mariners, Nautical Almanacs and Graphical Tables of Tides and Calendars) with updated and opportune information supporting the safety of navigation and human life at sea
  • To propose and participate in programmes and/or agreements of co-operation with national and international organisations related to hydrographic and tide network activities of interest for this institution
  • To promote improvement programmes, such as modernisation and updating of equipment and systems, in order to improve efficiency in both the field and office process for elaboration and publishing of marine environment publications
  • To promote the compilation and analysis of meteorological information with the principal function of obtaining, indicating and promulgating in a timely manner meteorological information and severe storm warnings affecting the security of and safeguarding human life at sea and populations living in coastal zones

    DIGADHICAR has a tide and meteorology national network which helps it in obtaining information for publication. An important current activity is the development of a Nautical Cartography National Plan, the principal object of which is to cover the country's Cartographic Mosaic and the Proyecto de la Escalera Nautica del mar de Cortés (Nautical Scales Project of the Sea of Cortés). This project is focused on development of the north-west area of the country, preserving its natural and cultural resources to its best advantage. Nautical and tourist activities here are helping the integral development of the region and increasing the quality of life of the population in the States of Baja California, California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit.
    As of this month, a hydrographic survey has begun in the territorial waters of the United States of México at the entrance to and inside the harbours of Mazatlán, Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta. These surveys are designed to collect high resolution multibeam bathymetry in support of high and medium density Digital Bathymetric Databases and full coverage digital side scan sonar. In general, these surveys will include the acquisition of the following types of information: Side Scan Sonar, Multibeam Bathymetry and its imagery data, single beam (12Khz, 33Khz and 3.5Khz) data, temperature (SST), weather information, Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD), expendable bathythermograph, water samples, water clarity measurements, bottom grab samples, bioluminescence, investigation of hazards and aids to navigation, coastal photography, and geodetic survey information. We have planned to bring the surveys in this area up to date in the next four months.
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