Hydrographic Society Russia
The 5th Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, under the title ‘Current Status and Challenges of Navigation and Oceanography’ (‘NO-2004’) was held in St. Petersburg from March 10th to 12th 2004.
The Conference was organised and hosted by the State Research Navigational and Hydrographic Institute, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (GNINGI, MoD, RF) under the chairmanship of Rear-Admiral S. P. Alekseyev (D.Sc., professor), Chief of the Institute. The co-chairman of the conference was Dr V. I. Peresypkin (D.Sc. professor), General Director of the Central Research and Design Institute of the Marine, Russia.
The Hydrographic Society, Russia (HSR) was among the promoters of the conference.
The main purpose of this meeting was to share experience gained so far in the fields of navigation and oceanography and to prepare recommendations for establishing and further enlarging of co-operation in hydrographic and hydro-meteorological support of the Navy and navigation in general.
The conference included a plenary session and thematic groups. These considered the following subjects: methods, accuracy and effectiveness of navigation; autonomous navigational systems and complexes; satellite and ground-based radio-navigational systems; aids to navigation; means, facilities and methods of hydrography, marine cartography and marine geophysics; hydro-meteorological support for maritime activities; exploration and development of the continental shelf resources - a new sphere of application for the potential of the military navigation, hydrography, and oceanography.
More than two hundred scientists, experts and officers from 92 Russian research institutions and military and civil organisations working in the field of navigation and hydrography took part in the conference. Among participants were 176 holders of degrees of doctor and kandidat, the first higher degree awarded on dissertation in Russia. The conference also welcomed foreign guests from China, Denmark, Estonia, Great Britain, Japan, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey who made a valuable contribution to its work. Among the guests was Rear-Admiral Chubukchu Nazim, Head of the Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography of the Turkish Navy.
Conference Programme
The conference also held a workshop to discuss the project ‘Training courses for personnel operating the maritime differential subsystem of GNSS’. Representatives of the Hydrographic Offices from the Baltic Region participated in this workshop. Mr M. Dzhivitsky represented the Radionavigation Committee of the International Association Lighthouse Authorities.
The conference considered more than two hundred reports and presentations, including 34 submitted by HSR members. Prof. N. N. Neronov (D.Sc.), president of the HSR, presented a report which aroused deep interest for its attempt to propose a new interpretation of such terms as ‘Hydrography’ and ‘Navigational and Hydrographic Support for Maritime Activities of a State’. The report also included a rationale and emphasised the necessity to work out and adopt an appropriate Russian legislation act.
The participants noted reports presented by Prof. N. Gruzdev and Dr A. V. Kavrajsky. These discussed, respectively, a matrix-less way of determining coordinates when using means of observations with various mutual correction, and parameters and methods of transformation of coordinates from one geodetic network into another in compliance with Russian and international standards. The reports led to lively discussion, not only during the sessions but also during breaks.
‘NO-2004’ concluded its work with the adoption of the following documents:
‘Recommendations of the 5th Russian Scientific and Technical Conference Current Status and Challenges of Navigation and Oceanography’ and ‘Requirements for training of personnel operating the maritime differential subsystem of the GNSS’ (the latter being the final document developed by the workshop).
Information on the conference was given in the documents of the 20th session of the IALA Radionavigation Committee.
Further Remarks
The conference was timed to coincide with the 65th anniversary of the GNINGI MoD, which hosted it. To celebrate the event, Rear-Admiral S. P. Alekseyev arranged a reception for conference participants, scientific and technical personnel of the GNINGI and representatives of partnership organisations. At
the reception Admiral A. A. Komaritsyn, Chief of the Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography in Russia expressed sincere appreciation for the achievements of GNINGI staff in navigational and hydrographic support for maritime activity and wished them further success. Representatives of the President of Russia and the Government of Saint Petersburg, as well as other officials, also extended their warm greetings to the GNINGI.
The Conference Proceedings can be supplied on request. Please contact the information section of GNINGI MoD for details: tel/fax: +7 (812) 327-99-80.
Hydrographic Society Russia (HSR)
Att. Viktor Rybine
Kozhevennaja linija 41
Saint-Petersburg 199106
Tel/Fax: +7 812 350 5026
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