The Hydrographic Society of South Africa (HSSA)
The Hydrographic Society of South Africa continues to flourish and has just started the second year of revived activity since its rebirth at the beginning of 2002.
An Annual General Meeting was held at the end of April (the first for many years) at which a number of changes to the old Constitution were proposed and accepted by the members present. The new Constitution allows for a much more streamlined Committee and modernises the running of the Society, bringing it up to date from the rules set in the founding year of 1983.
Aubrey Price continues as the Society President for 2003/2004, whilst Eddie Guild holds the Secretary/Treasurer post for the second year running. This streamlined Committee is in accordance with the new constitution and has the proviso that other members can be co-opted onto the Committee on an ad hoc basis should certain projects require more staffing input.
The President’s Report outlined the successful revitalisation of the Society during the past year and posed the question of where Society focus should lie in terms of activities for the coming year, given the aims and objectives of the Society as outlined in the Constitution.
Monthly General Meetings continue to be held in the same informal atmosphere and we would like to thank all the numerous speakers that have made our evenings so enjoyable and informative.
The Hydrographic Society of South Africa
Att. Aubrey Price / Eddie Guild
P.O. Box 487
Paarden Eiland 7420
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 511 5926
Fax: +27 21 511 5927
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