The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 on 8 March 2014 led to a deep ocean search effort of unprecedented scale and detail in the remote south-eastern Indian Ocean. Between June 2014 and January 2017, two mapping phases took place: (1) a shipborne bathymetric survey, and (2) a higher-resolution search in areas where accurate mapping of the seafloor was required to guide the detailed underwater search aimed at locating the aircraft wreckage. The latter phase used sidescan, multibeam and synthetic aperture sonar mounted on towed or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). This article describes the mapping of the area where the aircraft was expected to be found.
The search area covered an arcuate, NE-SW oriented swath of ~2500km long centred on Broken Ridge (Figure 1). When the survey began, the best bathymetric model available was almost entirely (95%) derived from satellite-altimetry data (Figure 2). However, over the search period, ~710,000km2 of shipboard multibeam data (search and transit data), 4,900 line-kilometres of sub-bottom profiler, and over 120,000km2 underwater systems data were acquired. The MBES mapping effort resulted in the largest seafloor coverage acquired for the Indian Ocean, approximately equivalent to the size of France or Texas. The spatial resolution of the seafloor improved from an average of 100km to 0.1km horizontally and by over 20 times vertically (>100m to ~ 5m). In this article, we focus on the shipborne multibeam dataset and the improvement it has made to the bathymetric and geological understanding of the region.
Bathymetric models of the world oceans and SE Indian Ocean
Topographic models of most of the world’s oceans are based on a combination of data types and resolution, i.e. mainly satellite-altimetry, single-beam sonar, Lidar and multibeam sonar (listed in increasing order of resolution and decreasing coverage availability). The latest global topography/bathymetry model available is the Shuttle Radar Topographic Model plus bathymetry at 15-minute horizontal resolution (SRTM15_plus). The bathymetry portion of this model combines available soundings with interpolated depths based on marine gravity anomalies estimated from satellite altimetry. The satellite-derived bathymetry technique was originally developed because the majority of shipborne acoustic bathymetry data available in the remote oceans, especially the southern oceans, was and still is celestially navigated single beam analogue echo soundings, with large gaps between soundings. These soundings were used and relied upon to calibrate the gravity-to-topography projection algorithm, and thus where these are heterogeneous and sparse, the model accuracy is limited. For example, the soundings available in the broader search area (incl. transits) cover < 5% of the total seafloor area (Figure 1) and include many old and low-accuracy data.
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