Focus Stories

Every month we will focus on a specific theme, featuring a selection of articles which have previously been published in the Hydro International magazine. By including a mix of older and more recent articles, we will present a complete recap of the subject. Furthermore, we are bringing you a bi-weekly round-up of ‘Focus Stories’ related to the theme through our newsletter (sign up here). The theme for December 2017 is:

Multibeam Echosounders

Must Read

Multibeam Data Processing

Multibeam Data Processing

This article is about the evolution of acoustic sounders imposed on Hydrographic Service’s new methodologies for the interpretation, handling and application of hydrographic...

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Subsea cable route surveying

Subsea cable route surveying

Almost all (99%) international data is transmitted by around 265 subsea cable systems connecting the world. The total length of subsea cables exceeds 1.6 million kilometres, and th...

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Our partner has a large database of multibeam echosounders. Compare up to 4 products and find the one that suits your project best!

Multibeam Echosounders

Bering Sea ASV Force Multiplier

Bering Sea ASV Force Multiplier

TerraSond, a hydrographic services company based in Palmer, Alaska (USA), used a C-Worker 5 (CW5) unmanned autonomous surface vessel (ASV) in conjunction with a 105’ (32m) re...

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What About the Other 88%?

What About the Other 88%?

Despite the last decade’s flurry of UNCLOS ECS mapping, the amount of the oceans surveyed remains around 12%. The continuing search for the MH370 wreckage emphasises our scan...

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Opportunistic Multibeam Surveying

Opportunistic Multibeam Surveying

Currently only ten to fifteen percent of the ocean floor has been mapped at resolutions of 100-metre pixel size or better and the vast majority of this mapped area is within territ...

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Multibeam Echosounders

AUVs in Hydrography

AUVs in Hydrography

The US Navy and the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) are committed to realising the vision that Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are available, affordable, and can play...

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Searching for HMS Terror

Searching for HMS Terror

“We know where the target is not located” is the only guaranteed result of any search expedition. This statement does not make for exciting headlines, however, the valu...

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Backscatter - From Ping to Database

Backscatter - From Ping to Database

The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) is willing to make better use of the backscatter intensity data collected with their multibeam sounding systems. All the backscatter data co...

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Basking in the Dark

Basking in the Dark

Recent hydrographic advances are revolutionising the way the marine environment can be accessed, scanned and quantified. With the emergence of sonar technology and, more recently,...

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More than the Common Dataset

More than the Common Dataset

The biennial event Shallow Survey was held in Plymouth, UK, from 14-18 September 2015. The Roland Levinsky building of the university hosted the conference, welcoming over 300 dele...

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Flying, Landing and then… Surveying

Flying, Landing and then… Surveying

Remote, difficult to access: it just depends on the point of view. Often, trying to reach some areas with a classical survey vessel or with an opportunity launch is like banging ou...

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INIS Hydro Seabed Mapping Project

INIS Hydro Seabed Mapping Project

Since January 2011, an ambitious EU-funded seabed mapping project has been surveying and charting 7 key marine areas off the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the west coas...

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ASV Global C-Enduro

ASV Global C-Enduro

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