2017 Alexander Dalrymple Award for Adam Greenland
The Alexander Dalrymple Award is given by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) in recognition of an outstanding contribution to world hydrography. First presented in 2006,...
The Alexander Dalrymple Award is given by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) in recognition of an outstanding contribution to world hydrography. First presented in 2006,...
The Hydro17 Organising Committee is pleased to present the preliminary programme for the Hydro17 Conference to be held in Rotterdam from 14 to 16 November 2017. With almost 50 pape...
Hydrography is important to visualise the water floor. This can be done in various ways, from using a sounding stick to a remotely controlled singlebeam echosounder or a survey ves...
On 29 November 2005, the United Nations designated 21 June as World Hydrography Day. This year, World Hydrography Day also marked the 96th anniversary of the establi...
The Hydrographic Society of America Awards Scholarships and Elects New OfficersThe Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) has established a scholarship programme for students enro...
Hydro12 – Taking Care of the SeaThe conference Hydro12 is to take off. The annual event will take place from 13 to 15 November 2012 onboard the permanently moored SS Rotterda...
Australia on the Map RegionAppeal for InformationThe mystery of the Deadwater Wreck is one step closer to being solved! What is the Deadwater Wreck? Is it another 17th century Dutc...
Commission 4 participated fully in the International Federation of Surveyor’s Working Week 2012 held in Rome, Italy from 6 to 11 May. Commission 4 technical sessions included theme...
Workshop on Data QualityAbout 60 members joined the workshop on Data Quality in Hydrographic Surveys which took place on 11 April 2012 at the venue of Kivi Niria, the association o...
In order to stimulate young hydrographers finishing at educational institutions and who have proven to be the best, the HSR introduced two honourbale diplomas in 1995: the Diploma...
East Australia Region NewsThe meeting of 7 February opened with the chairman recording thanks to Sydney Ports Corporation (Gary Batman) for providing the venue. The main topic for...
On 15 February 2012, HSB organised a workshop in co-operation with MARIN Marine Research Institute Netherlands, in Wageningen. Originally intended to enable members of Deutsche Hyd...
Greetings from the AHS and on behalf of our membership, I wish you all the best for 2012. AHS AwardsThe AHS has an Awards scheme to recognise the professionalism and service to our...
Commission 4 began its 2nd year of the 2011-2014 term as at January 2012. Many activities are planned for this year, including participation in FIG’s major conference of the...
The Australasian Hydrographic Society The main activity for the AHS over the past few months was the HYDRO11 Conference in Fremantle. This was a successful conference, enjoyed by a...
Commission 4 continues in its 1st year of the 2011-2014 term, pursuing significant contributions to hydrography and hydrography-related activities at the international level. The C...
BLAST Conference 2011 The upcoming Bringing Land And Sea Together (BLAST) Conference 2011, is to take place on 22 September 2011 in Ostend, Belgium, highlighting the progress...
The 7th Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, with the title ‘Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography: priorities of development and innovation of maritime activitie...
Australasian Hydrographic Society After the celebrations of World Hydrography Day in June, the AHS has been fairly quiet. The main activity continues to be the planning and pr...
David Neale was a former Commission 4 vice chair Administration (2007-2010). Until his passing, he was an active member of the FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on Standards of Compe...
Celebrations for WHD and 25 Years NHI World Hydrography Day and the 25th year anniversary of the Netherlands Hydrographic Institute were celebrated during the Hydrographic So...
AGM-2011 Just as last year, the 2011 AGM took place in the first spring month, on 22 March. The Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Defence Ministry of the Russian Fe...
East Australian Region The Eastern Australia Region of the AHS celebrated World Hydrography Day (WHD) at the Naval Heritage Centre, Garden Island, Sydney on Monday 20 June. Commod...
Workshop and Annual General Meeting On 24 March, the HSB organised a workshop followed by the 2011 AGM. The event was held at the auditorium of Delft's University of Technology....
New Awardees The HSR continues to award the Society's Honourable diplomas to the best graduates of educational institutions in hydrography. In the summer of 2010, after a pres...
East Australian Region The Eastern Australia Region of the AHS is planning to mark World Hydrography Day (WHD) with a visit to the Naval Heritage Centre, Garden Island, Sydney o...
As chair (2011-2014), Commission 4, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), I greet you with all best wishes for 2011. The honour of the position from which I now communicate...
The new year for the Hydrographic Society Benelux will kick off with a workshop focusing on the Terschelling region and the Wadden Sea. This workshop, coinciding with the Annual Ge...
AHS Awards News The AHS Award Scheme seeks to recognise those individuals, organisations, and companies that have by their actions contributed to promoting the values of the Austr...
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